Friday, February 3, 2012

The Week After

Apologies if this post is a little later and a little shorter than others.  I've had to catch up on a lot of things at school this week and haven't had time to get to my blog.

Usually, when I write a blog post, I write about what's been on my mind recently.  This post isn't any different.  What's been on my mind this week, as you might guess, has been the last two weeks' events with the fever and losing my memory.  I can mostly understand the part where I got typhoid fever; I did go to Cambodia, a place where that could happen, and I wasn't particularly careful with what I ate or drank.  But what I have a hard time wrapping my mind around is the part where I lost my memory (pardon the pun - wrap my mind around... lose my memory... chuckle, chuckle).  It's baffling to me that my mind could just decide to stop making memories without any warning, and then, possibly equally amazing, to decide to start making memories again a few days later.  And yet maybe the most amazing part is that my brain was able to make memories in the first place.  What I mean is, losing my memory has helped me realize how wonderful our minds are - to be able to remember so much information for both the short term and the long term.  How is it possible that a glob of grey matter and juices in our heads are able to do all that our brains are able to do: to think, to remember, to take in and organize information, to control our movements, and more?  It's baffling.

This week has been interesting as I've mostly gotten back into my regular routine.  Losing my memory left me unaware as to how long I've been away from my usual activities, so it felt like a long time.  This made things like teaching, scooting, hanging out with friends, playing hockey, tutoring, and even spending time in my apartment feel new and exciting.

At school, my kindergarten class is preparing to perform a year-end skit and song along with the other classes.  Our skit is an "Arthur" play that I found online, and our song is "Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles.  There's no connection between them, but I love both Arthur and Yellow Submarine, so I'm happy.

Thanks for reading,


  1. Great to see you blogging again Mike! Even better that you have your memory back! Memory....something to appreciate. I'm realizing that more and more (the older I get)!

    Thanks for sharing,

  2. That is an interesting observation, Mike, the part about our brains. It IS amazing that our minds are (usually) able to make memories. Glad that you are able to experience all your activities in a new and exciting way. I like the way you look at the positive side of things. Thanks for your blog. Luv yah. Dad

  3. The creation of memories and Language acquisition both astounds me. Glad to hear that you've recovered. How scary! There's actually a movie coming out about a woman who looses her memory and can't remember anything about her husband. Looks interesting. Take care! - Eryn
